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The AidKit team is more than happy to announce that we have made great progress in our work and our team is approaching to the project’s goals:

The MOTIVATIONAL GUIDEBOOK OF BEST PRACTICES was released a few months ago and is freely available on the project website!

The CURRICULUMS OF NON-FORMAL METHODOLOGIES OF ONLINE LEARNING generated by our teachers which contain detailed information about 5 different digital tools and how to use them during online and face-to-face lessons, are under testing by outsiders.

The COURSE PILOTING FOR ADULT EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS is undergoing based on the schedule and a team of 25 teachers is in the process of going through the curriculumns mentioned above and to  create their own exercises samples in the digital tools. These exercises will then be applied by most of the teachers in the classroom. This step is really important for us to receive genuine feedback about how those tools work in real life situations.

The VIDEO SERIES as another part of this project’s intellectual output are almost ready to watch. Currently the partners are working on translating the video subtitles to each language of the partnership.



Moreover, MULTIPLIER EVENTS were being organised in the last 6 months by different institutions from the partnership. For example, the multiplier event from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, was hosted by Bridge Language Study House on the 27th of May 2023. The participants of the event consisted of interested and enthusiastic teachers who are devoted to enrich their digital methodologies of teaching and improve their digital skills in general. This event was a special one, because in order to offer them much more concentrated knowledge apart from AidKit project and its results the workshops contained relevant and useful information from other ongoing projects of the institution as well.