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Article nr. 15

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Final steps of Aid Kit project The Aid Kit project has reached its official end. All planned project outcomes and results are already finalized, uploaded to the project website and e-learning platform and are open… Article nr. 15


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In recent years, online teaching has progressed significantly. However, there’s a concern that it might not promote the same teamwork found in face-to-face classes. A great way for students to grasp various concepts is by… ARTICLE 14

Article 13

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The Transformative Impact of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Shaping Online Learning The landscape of online education is ever-changing and ever-evolving due to both external forces (COVID-19 pandemic) and the technological progress (more area coverage… Article 13


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Keeping students motivated during online learning Teaching online is rather different than teaching in person. Students are sitting in from of computer screens; the wi-fi connection sometimes is unstable; creating the presentations to be clearly… ARTICLE 12


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LEARNING STYLES FOR ONLINE LESSONS Introduction Multiple studies have shown that people learn in different ways, whether in a traditional classroom or online. Therefore, teachers should have an understanding of various learning styles. The online… ARTICLE 11


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LEARNING STYLES IN THE DIGITAL TEACHING/LEARNING ENVIRONMENT The importance of different learning styles has for many years been a central theme in pedagogical-didactic approaches, both in terms of teaching adults, children and young people. The… ARTICLE 10


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The AidKit project team is more than happy to present the Interactive Learning Space for teachers and learners. Apart from the training materials this e-platform contains the examples of units for distance various language courses… ARTICLE 9


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The field of education has witnessed a significant transformation in recent years. With wide access to the internet, devices being cheaper, and more educational content being created and available for free to use teachers don’t… ARTICLE 8


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Discussion forums for teachers can be used for many purposes, such as interacting and sharing ideas about education, classroom management, teaching strategies, and more. They are asynchronous communication tools that are widely used in Learning… ARTICLE 7


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The AidKit team is more than happy to announce that we have made great progress in our work and our team is approaching to the project’s goals: The MOTIVATIONAL GUIDEBOOK OF BEST PRACTICES was released… ARTICLE 6